Sunday, December 14, 2008

*NEW*: ~*FBG*~ Thumbprint Cookie Cuff Collection

Introducing The Winter 2008/2009 Collection @ ~*Fresh Baked Goods*~

The Thumbprint Cookie Cuff Collection brings a lot of pizazz, polish, and sass to the season, looking stunning over a pair of opera gloves, over a sweater, or on bare wrists. Each set of cuffs (left & right wrists) sells for $100 Lindens. Modify and Copy Yes, No Transfer. Matching Drop Necklace and Long Earring to be released shortly.

The Jam Gems version is scripted to touch to offer a selection of 12 possible true gem tones. A classic piece with lots of personality.

~*FBG*~ Jam Gems Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs
~*FBG*~ Jam Gems Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs

The Sugar Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs contain an algorithm script and shuffle bead tones within a single intensity with just a click. You can shuffle the colors over and over till you find the tasty combination that you love! Offered in antique gold settings and one version in a silver setting.

~*FBG*~ Bright Colored Sugar Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs
~*FBG*~ Bright Colored Sugar Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs

~*FBG*~ Soft Colored Sugar Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs
~*FBG*~ Soft Colored Sugar Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs

~*FBG*~ Black & White Colored Sugar Gold Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs
~*FBG*~ Black & White Colored Sugar Gold Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs

~*FBG*~ Black & White Colored Sugar Silver Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs
~*FBG*~ Black & White Colored Sugar Silver Thumbprint Cookie Cuffs

These Cuffs Sell For Just $100L Each! Like Everything at ~*Fresh Baked Goods*~, We Sell Our Items at $100L or Less So Everyone Can Indulge!

For Gift Giving, Please IM Sweetie Pye to make arrangement. Soon to be listed on XStreet SL and OnRez.

Items Available at Our Main Store on Retrology:
~*Fresh Baked Goods*
& In Our Ivalde Village Satellite Bake Shops.

Soon To Be Available ~



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